I Am Worthy copy

Created by a former coach and trainer of World and Olympic champions and his son, Ares, Aspire Perform Achieve seeks to assist ‘Achievers’ on their journey to becoming the best versions of themselves and valuable members of society. As a former world-class athlete and Olympic coach, it has been my experience that when a young achiever (one who strives for the best in themselves in all aspects of life) is climbing Mt. Everest for their ambitions, getting any level of support or recognition is almost impossible.

By contrast, the media machine is all over you once you have made it. We seek to support future leaders (Achievers) who courageously aspire for goals and dreams that elevate us all. We do so now when they need it the most. I understand the importance of the moments when an individual decides to act on their faith and display courage under pressure, whether in athletic competition, academic endeavors, artistic performances, or any other worthy pursuit. How they react under pressure defines a new generation of champions in life. We mean to reward those individuals, those Achievers. My son, Ares, and I strive to partner with affiliate programs that provide valuable products to those following our platform.

Purchases supports worthy ambitions
Ares and Tobarek

Why Embrace The Journey?

My father, the former coach and trainer of world and Olympic champions, taught me from when I was very young to celebrate significant moments. He told me that “reinforcing the positive and emotionally charged moments builds neurological pathways impacting the probability of success”… I had no idea what he was talking about! I was having fun, and Dad began filming everything to show me examples of where I did well.

Now I understand what he meant. He explained that most people (especially adults) only allow themselves to feel happy once they achieve their ultimate goal and don’t celebrate their successes along the way.

“The inability to celebrate the small steps on your path to your ultimate goal decreases your probability of reaching your intended destination.” “You must embrace the journey, celebrate your successes, and feel them as deeply as you (unquestionably) do with your failures.” “Focus on the positive, and your mistakes become your learning moment successes.” – Dad 

I co-created ‘Embrace The Journey’ to exercise my father’s advice. I am celebrating the small victories on my way to the larger of life’s arenas. Embrace The Journey is not exclusively about competition but learning and growing from the experience. Your success lives within how you react to the small, impactful moments of your journey. Sharing those moments helps to lift, encourage, and inspire.

Your Own - Aspire | Perform | Achieve - NFT Collection!

Embrace ‘Your’ Journey

Join the Discord group and become part of the community of individuals who want to spend their time around successful people striving for their goals. Success breeds success and we will come together to help each other celebrate the significant moments and share in how we did it. 

Join Our Discord

Most of the time, the journey is not cheap! The travesty is that many of us cannot afford to pay for the extra coaching, education, trips, etc. that it takes to become the best version of ourselves. This is just stupid. Let’s use the power of web 3.0 technology to raise funds more effectively. No more putting our children in danger going door-to-door selling cookies, or standing in the hot sun doing car washes (when we should be training or studying)! How much money do you really think you can raise with bake sales anyway? It doesn’t even cover the cost of going to States, Regionals, or Nationals (not even a little bit). 

Join the Discord and let us know that you would like to apply for consideration for your own NFTs collection created for you! 


How Embrace The Journey NFTs Are Made!

Your Own Product Line!

give to a worthy cause or support one of our achievers!